Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Out/In the Pockets of Suspension

Dear Fellow Players,
If anyone's said "I don't care about money." I'd like to go over, in drive-thru, what's at stake. If money doesn't matter, then winning or losing X amount of dollars shouldn't matter either. Thing is, to "not care about money" alludes to something greater than the currency itself intrinsic of any categories regarding gain and loss, to not be afraid of throwing up oneself all over the roulette table and not being able to get a dope manicure until the next check arrives. To not care about money, is not caring about where it goes, from where it came or returns. You throw down a bet because it doesn't matter, nothing matters but the gesture of re-appropriating 'chance' back into the text of waking up every day. The gesture is neutral, either way: black/red, odd/even, etc. The consequences are only repurcussive gliches across the screen until the next check arrives. Nonetheless, still thinking about taking parts of that Federal PLUS loan to Atlantic City with you..heart, Bebe.

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